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Ever since I was with Boy Scouts of America. I have been always attracted the flames. I always stared into the flames from camp fires. There I would watch the forms, and the way the flames moved and the heat on my face from the flames. My artworks show these flames. I have learned from years of school about how forms and shapes are made, and how to make colors blend together for the flames. This has helped me use other elements my acrylic paintings. My artworks take elements from what I’ve seen in nature or from experiences I’ve done in my life. My artworks incorporate a geometric shape in the form of the inside of a cube, there it holds my mysterious world that I create. The world I create in the cubes can be anything and can have anything from the mind. My use of flames for the inside the cubes illuminate the cubes as the only light source inside my word I have made. It shows the viewers what is inside of a world a person wouldn't normally able to be seen without the light of the fires. I want people to enjoy these worlds and look at them and wonder what all that is able to be seen. My work is a lot about nature related themes. These themes can be enjoyed by those who know the outdoors. The viewers will relate to the the vines growing on the walls, or the ice of winter, or the flames of fires. The worlds I make are fun to see, and I want people to come closer to the flames and see the colors that were used to make them come alive.

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